Saturday, August 26, 2006

Resuming normal service

After a week of talking and talking and talking with friends and family over the phone and over coffee, beer and meals -- about how I feel differently about my life, about how I "maybe" want it to change, about "connections" I've made with new friends, about enjoying late night chats, about feeling guilty about leaving, about what might happen if I do this and what might not happen if I didn't do that, N. summed it all nicely yesterday at dinner when he observed: I've turned into a lesbian.

Hauling myself back from the carpet-munching abyss, I have decided to refocus. Back to basics!!!

1. I will work towards moving to HK or Tokyo at some point. I won't rush. I will look around. But I will go and join the Care Bears in the forest.

2. In view of 1, I will put on 10kg and resume my quest to look as "super-kawaii" as possible.

See? Who says life has to be complicated? :P


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